Friday, 10 February 2012

Why Jeremy Kyle Should Be Compulsive Family Viewing Forever

There must be some sort of social or online gathering space for people who make endless plans and never see them through. Today, Friday being my de facto "day off" was to be filled with going to the council tax office, re-setting up a TV License, going food shopping and taking my rightful turn at cleaning the bathroom.

Predictably none of these have been accomplished. Last night I attended a work night out at my usual favourite establishments which ended in a hazy flash. No one really likes those people who bang on endlessly about the hysterical and "random" timens that they had, or just had when they were steaming drunk or fucked on various chemicals and minerals. So it was another night in another pub enough said.

My habit of make plans, make plans and ultimately break plans is getting worse.

Nonetheless, daytime TV provides a comfortable space to revel in your laziness. The Wright Stuff and Jeremy Kyle have a tranquilising effect on the guilt associated with not being arsed to do anything. There should be support centres for like-minded bored and bone idol people. Preferably quite close so I don't have to walk too far

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