Well shout4music emailed me back and I may be getting my own position doing live and album reviews! Needless to say this is brilliant news and as it happens things seem to be moving forward... if they get back to me about what albums/gigs I need to do.
On the world around me front, there is more and more winds of change, that cannot be blogged for banter reasons at the moment. Emma and I have made a pact to be in charge of each other's "personal development plans" for 2012, which we have agreed is gonna be our year, in the sense that it is going to made the most of, not that we plan to gain ownership of the entire year itself, or subsequent years for that matter. Al's birthday was a laugh, marked by the necessary amount of mishaps and drama. As a rule of thumb I've pretty much accepted that drama will stalk me throughout my life in varying intensities, but then again to what extent am I leading it on myself?
In about a week and a half's time I'm gonna be stepping on my first plane in about 7 years. I've traditionally despised flying in all its forms, from the weird cabin smell to the off-chance the plane is taken over by some terrorists and plunged into a landmark. If that was the case I'd quite like to see Mount Rushmore before crashing into it in a fiery ball. And guess what? It's £18 to check a piece of luggage. Having refused to pay for it online I'm faced with the difficult dilemma of buying a bag thats 55x46x25 cm andf cramming a week's worth of life into it or just checking a fucking bag in. Easyjet - not so easy (I hope i'm the first person in recorded history ever to find a grievance with a low-cost airliner)
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