Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Life Is Only Worth Living If You Have Self-Validation

So on this valentine's day, I am again revelling in having nothing (and no one) to do. 2 years ago it was skinning my knees falling down stairs at a singles disco, last year it was the unfortunate events that surrounded the move into this flat. It's almost a cliche for me to despise valentine's day as much as all the other single people do, it's more lumped in with all the other invented holidays that I give the cold shoulder to (Christmas and Halloween get a free pass for the delicious food and dressing up like an idiot).

In fact today marks the year anniversary that I moved into dennistoun towers, and what a year it's been! This also happens to be the longest time I've spent in a flat without either being evicted/having to move out/wanting to move out. So valentine's day = good so far. However, in a necessary change of scene I swapped rooms with stoo and jade over the weekend, living room to bedroom. Some may call it Flowers for Algernon, but the big room is cold and unflinching and I wanted said chnage of scene. Time will only tell if it works out or my stuff ends up in the middle of duke street in bin bags.

I am also somewhat sad to hear that Whitney Houston died. For all her faults (The Bodyguard being one of them) and transgressions (Crack being another) she did have quite a soul and a voice. and i'm guessing she was probably a good laugh too. Oh well.

Nonetheless, my valentine's day will be filled with attending Brand New at the o2 tonight. Interestingly, I came to see Brand New about 5 years ago (almost to the day) at the same place with my brother. This was just after Devil and God was released and I distinctly remember getting extremely pissed off with the fact that YFW/Deja/DAG songs were all played chrono-sequentially. Something obscure but valid to get pissed off at at age 15. if they do it tonight again I'll be equally as fucked off.

Uni is still dreary as ever. All classes at the john weir still cancelled/moved. and the siege guy turned out to be a nobody.

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