Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Who Rules the Waves? You Rule the Waves!

Tonight I did my first live review for shout, accompanied by my good friend and assistant for the night Vicky. I've never actually been to Captain's Rest before, but it actually seems like somewhere I would drink - minus the wanky and much maligned west end-ness.

funnily enough, new pub etiquette is never a stronghold, and at local gigs the crowdn is terminally cliquey and no one says much of anything to anyone outside of their sanctum. After not knowing where the gigs even are, trying to enter before the doors opened and asking the wrong guy about the bands that were on, I triumphantly waved me and vic through with our +1's. It was quite tempting to proudly announce my "I'M HERE FOR FREE" status to whomever cared to listen. Fuck it. Bought the main bands' CD single thing for £2 (gotta love socialism) and headed down.

First band (Who I wasnt reviewing) were sunny, cheery and witty! Cafe Disco they were called, notably because the guitarist and drummer happened to be females and the singer/bassist and other guitarist happened to be guys. A weird inversion of the standard co-ed pop band formula. But they were good.

Letters (who I was there for) - Also really good. Tried maniacally to get a hold of the setlist or find out the names of the songs, including trying to approach the suinger on stage. Enough upsetting the apple cart, I sat at the front giving it Bill Burroughs, frantically scribbling and sipping on some reasonably priced Rekorderlig. Luckily the chatty lead singer (interesting as the band donned black and grey and denoted themselves as 'dark pop') clearly announced the name of each song. Maybe he heard my psychic pleas.

So there.

Things I learned

  • Captain's Rest is nice, cheap, convinient and has FUCKING AMAZING PA setup for gigs.
  • It's cliquey as fuck

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